属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 3090-1974
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM E 1685-1995
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 72
1 | 聚酯短纤维可以加工制造成不同的长度、细度或具其它性能,使其能够在天然纤维棉、毛及麻的几个加工系统中具有可纺性。 | Staple fiber may be varied in length , denier and other respects to render it spinnable on the several established systems for the natural fibers cotton, wool and flax. | |
2 | 卷型矿床的长度沿着弯曲的溶液前缘可达1哩以上。 | Roll deposits may be more than a mile in length along sinuous solution fronts | |
3 | 卡拉古尔冰川有三十四公里长,是我国到目前为止发现的最长的冰川,就在这个地方。 | The longest glacier so far discovered in China, the Karagul, which is 34 km . in length , is located here. | |
4 | 两个著名的历史故事如《完璧归赵》、《荆轲刺秦王》,都有两米长。 | Two examples are the historical stories, Return the Jade Intact To The State Of Zhao and Jingke Killing The Qin Emperor, both of which are about 2 meters in length . | |
5 | 码尺:有91.4cm(36英寸)和114.3cm(45英寸)两种长度,由金属或木料制成。 | Yard Stitch: available in 91.4cm(36 inches)or 114. 3cm (45 inches)in length , made of metal or wood. | |
6 | 每个四面体都同其它四面体共享两个氧原子,形成一种可能为无限延伸的链。矿物实例有辉石(单链)和角闪石(双链)。 | Two of the oxygen atoms of each tetrahedron are shared with other tetrahedrons, forming a chain that is potentially infinite in length . Mineral examples include the pyroxenes and the amphiboles | |
7 | 木琴一种打击乐器,由逐级加长的一排排镶嵌的木棒组成,并发出半音音阶,用两个小木槌敲击 | A percussion instrument consisting of a mounted row of wooden bars graduated in length to sound a chromatic scale,played with two small mallets. | |
8 | 那条河长300公里。 | The river is 300 kilometers in length . | |
9 | 请输入简要表的名称(最大长度为30个字符)。 | Please enter a name for your profile (up to 30 characters in length ). | |
10 | 全世界最小的有袋动物只不过45毫米,小到待其完全长大时还能够舒舒服服地站到一只点心匙上。 | The smallest marsupial in all the world is but 45mm in length . So small that when fully grown it can stand comfortable in a dessert spoon. | |
11 | 任何包裹和物品,当其重量大于 70 公斤(或 150 磅),或长度与周长加起来超过 330 厘米(或 130 英寸)时,均不提供服务。 | No service shall be rendered in the transportation of any packages or articles with an actual weight of more than 70 kilograms (or 150 lbs)in length or a total of 330 centimeters (or 130 inches)in length and girth combined. | |
12 | 日夜节律:长度约24小时的内在周期,似乎控制或激活各种生物作用,像是睡眠、清醒,还有消化与激素活动。 | Circadian rhythm: Inherent cycle of approximately 24 hours in length that appears to control or initiate various biological processes, including sleep, wakefulness, and digestive and hormonal activity. | |
13 | 商标图样必须清晰、便于粘贴,用光洁耐用的纸张印制或者用照片代替,长和宽应当不大于十厘米,不小于五厘米。 | The samples of the trademarks must be clear, easy to paste, printed on durable paper with a smooth finish or, instead of being printed, photographed; they shall not be larger than ten centimeters or less than five centimeters in length and width. | |
14 | 绳索和绳索制品.网衣线.浸水后长度变化的测定 | Ropes and cordage; Netting yarns; Determination of change in length after immersion in water | |
15 | 石马高1.68米,长1.9米 | The stone horse is 1.68 meters high and 1.90 meters in length . | |
16 | 使用超声脉冲回波技术测量紧固件长度变化的标准规范 | Standard Practice for Measuring the Change in Length of Fasteners Using the Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Technique | |
17 | 数字及字母的高度须不少于2分米,并须刻入船身及在深色底上髹以白色或黄色漆,或以处长批准的其他方法标记 | The figures and letters being not less than one decimetre in length and being marked by being cut in and painted white or yellow on a dark ground. or in such other way as the Director may approve | |
18 | 他当时开的是为他特制的“蓝鸟”赛车,车长三十英尺,发动机二千五百马力。 | The car he was driving had been specially built for him. It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2500 horsepower engine. | |
19 | 它(的)长(深,直径等)十英尺. | It is ten feet in length (depth, diameter, etc.). | |
20 | 体积最大限度为长、宽、高分别为10、5、4米 | the maximum measurement is 10 meters in length , 5 meters in width and 4 meters in height | |
21 | 通常,地下连续墙分段施工每段长度一般不超过6米。 | The diaphragm walling is usually cast in sections not exceeding 6 meters in length . | |
22 | 围巾,边长不超过60cm,针织或钩编 | neckerchief with no side exceeding 60cm in length knitted or crocheted | |
23 | 一根二十米长的管子 | A pipe 20 metres in length | |
24 | 一间长二十英尺,阔十二英尺的房间. | a room 20 feet in length and 12 feet in breadth | |
25 | 一码约等于一公尺长。 | One yard is nearly a meter in length . | |
26 | 一片绿色的人造草坪,长100码,像北京工人体育场的草坪那样,但每隔十码(或隔九米多)就画有一条标记 | a well-groomed grass playing field one hundred yards in length , like that at Beijing Worker’s Stadium but with markings every ten yards (or just over nine meters) | |
27 | 一支7英寸长的现代铅笔可以画出35英里长的线,它平均可以写出45000个单词,并且平均能够进行17次的削尖。 | The modern 7-inch long pencil can draw a line 35 miles in length ;it can write an average of 45,000 words,and it can take an average of 17 sharpening. | |
28 | 在个人项目中,一套动作的表演长度为60秒至90秒。每套动作都有音乐伴奏,结合优雅的舞蹈动作和技巧动作。 | In the individual event,a competitor performs one routine,60 t0 90 seconds in length .Each routine usually runs t0 piano music,combines elements 0f dance and acrobatics with graceful. | |
29 | 在晶体肽X-射线衍射研究中,Linus Pauling和Rbert Corey发现,在肽键中C-N键的键长介于典型的C-N单键(1.49?)和C=N双键(1.27?)之间。 | InX-ray studies of crystalline peptides, Linus Pauling and Robert Corey found that the C-N bond in the peptide link is intermediate in length (1.32 A)between a typical C-N single bond (1.49 ?)and a C=N double bond (1.27 ?). | |
30 | 在许多矿层中还见到辉岩或斜长岩夹层,厚几分至2尺,长几十到几百尺。 | Pyroxenite or anorthosite partings a fraction of an inch to 2 feet in thickness and tens of feet to hundreds of feet in length are also present in many seams |